How God speaks is really a matter of concern to many believers, especially if you are new in the Christian faith. Growing up as a believer, I sometimes marvel when other believers say God speaks to them about a person or situation. The question on my heart would be, how does God speak to us? Will I hear a loud voice from heaven? Does God speak as a friend will talk to his friend? These and many questions fill my heart about God’s voice and how to hear Him speak.
Sometimes, I had thought God does not love me. So, He chose not to speak to me. But this is not the truth because God even spoke to a sinner like Paul on His way to persecute the Christians in Damascus (Act 9). God loves us all and you can always have a God’s love t-shirt as a souvenir to remind you always of His love

Sometimes ago, I used to feel sad and alone. This is because after praying long to hear God’s voice, I find out that the only voice I could hear is the loudness of my prayers, nothing else. Now, I have grown in the faith to understand that the challenge with hearing God is not with God. It is us.
So, if hearing God’s voice had been a challenge to you or you had also asked the question of how God speaks to us, I’m glad to tell you now that you have found the answer to your long-time quest.
In this blog post, I will show you several biblical instances of how God speaks to us through different means and on several occasions. Also, I will share the five distinctive ways God speaks and how you can identify God’s voice when He speaks.
Below are the five ways to show you how God speaks and teaches you how to recognize His voice.
1. God speaks to us through His word
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom…
Colossians 3:16
God’s word in the Bible is the most reliable way to hear God speak to us. Do you remember I once prayed to hear God’s word while growing in faith? Exactly! The challenge was that I did not give attention to the study of God’s word.
The Bible is God’s word in print. If you want to hear Him speak to you, then you must hear His word in the place of study and meditation. Now, the question would be, how does God speak to us through His word? God speaks to us through revelation in His word.
For instance, when you study the Bible, what you are doing is that you are informing your mind about what God said or the principles at which He operates.
However, the Bible is not just information to the mind; God’s whisper to your spirit. Meditation on God’s word translates the information from your mind to become a revelation in your spirit. So, if you want to hear God speak to you, learn to brood on His word always. You can hear God speak to the degree of the amount of His word you have fed into your spirit.
2. God speaks to us through His Spirit in Us
Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons,
1 Timothy 4:1
God is a Spirit. No man can understand the communication of God’s Spirit, except such a person has the Spirit of God in him. What happens to every believer at salvation is that the Spirit of God comes to dwell in you. Hence, God speaks through His Spirit in you.
Every believer in Christ needs to know that God’s spirit resides in us. Therefore, we must always pay attention to the communication of His Spirit in us.
However, you should also understand that the devil is an evil spirit and He speaks too. But then, how does God speak to us in a way we can differentiate it from the devil’s voice? This is simple.
The devil will always want you to act or do things that are anti-God. Of course, you know God does not do evil, neither will He tempt anyone with evil (James 1:13).
Similarly, God’s spirit is patient and kind.
The Spirit of the Lord will never pressure you to take unnecessary action. Therefore, always watch out for that. When it feels you are under pressure to do a thing or communication is forcing you to act NOW, know surely that it is not the Spirit of God. God’s spirit does not enforce God’s will upon humanity.
3. God Speaks to us through faithful believers
If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God.
-1 Peter 4:11
Sometimes, our hearts could be too burdened with issues of life that God would want to speak through others to us. It could be a prophecy, a word of comfort, a glimpse of hope, or an answer to the questions in our hearts. Other times, it could be through writings like this. This is why it is essential to always keep believing friends around you. It makes it easier for God to reach out to you when you can’t hear him.
Subsequently, the Bible talked about speaking as the oracle of God. God’s oracles are mostly teachers, preachers and prophets of God. They speak as they hear from God. Therefore, do not shield yourself from these God’s servants. Be open to hearing God speak to you through them.
4. God speaks to us through nature and situations around us
“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge.”
Psalm 19:1-2
Sometimes, God might not have to communicate to you in the usual place or through the usual means of His word. Do not be ignorant of the fact that God speaks through nature. God could take you around to observe nature, seasons and things He had made, just to show you that he is still God.
Subsequently, God knows what you are going through and He sometimes permits them to happen to you so that He could speak through your experience when you can’t hear His voice. Learn to find the good God even when things are bad.

Assuredly, no situation a believer goes through that is hidden from God.
So, even when it looks like God is silent about that situation, learn to pay attention to His heartbeat for you even when it seems God is not saying anything. Silence could sometimes be a way God speaks in certain situations of our life.
5. God Speaks through Audible voice
Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” Whenever you turn to the right hand Or whenever you turn to the left.
Isaiah 30:21
Now, this is a rare way God speaks to us. We might not all hear God’s audible voice. So, do not be under pressure to want to hear God’s audible voice always. It is sad to see some believers delve into occult in their quest to hear an audible voice.
First, stick to God’s word and if He wishes to speak to you audibly, that’s good, but you should know that it is not the only way God speaks.
In conclusion, I hope this blog post has provided answers to the question of how God speaks to us. If you would like to share your personal experience for someone to learn, let’s hear it out in the comment session.
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