God commanded sexual purity in every courtship or dating relationship. Yes, sexual purity is a command and not an opinion. Your body is God’s temple and God desires it pure at all times.
Sometimes, I wonder why God desires sexual purity from the young and unmarried? Why can’t these young people enjoy the fun of sex when they feel like it? What is so special about sex that God holds in high esteem?
Interestingly, I found the answers in the Scripture.
Sexual intercourse was God’s design at the beginning for recreation and procreation only within the boundary of marriage (Genesis 2:24, Hebrews 13:4). The same way you understand that marriage is sacred to God is also the same way sexual purity is to him, as an unmarried youth and young adult.
Know assuredly that any form of physical intimacy with someone you are not married to is a sin before God.
Flee from sexual immorality.
1 Corinthians 6:18
You see, Satan is still in the business of making people think God is a liar. He shows you in movies, novels and in the life of people around you that sexual purity is not attainable. The world around you is saying sex outside of marriage is harmless.
In this kind of atmosphere, how do you think you can maintain sexual purity in Christian relationships?
Why Sexual Purity
Your Sexual purity is important to God and you as an unmarried person. Sex is power and it must only be exercised in marriage. Any form of physical intimacy with someone you are not married to is to exhaust the power and make it less potent even before starting your marriage journey.
So, the fuel of sexual purity that keeps the marriage going well would have been exhausted. This is why many homes can’t stand the test of time because the power that would have kept them together is no longer potent as it should be.
Subsequently, the reason God commanded sexual purity is not for you but the seed after you. A sexually pure young man and woman who got married will raise children who are well equipped and prepared for God’s assignment on earth. This is why the devil fights sexual purity among youths.
The devil knows that if you defile yourself and lose sexual potency, the grace to bring godly children when the time comes would have been gone and there would be a high tendency for the next generation to carry on what you pass to them.
Sexual Purity is Still Achievable
The good news is, God is merciful and can still restore his temple to its original intent. If you had defiled yourself sexually before, now God is still willing to restore you. Maybe you have been sexually abused out of your consent and it looks as though sexual purity is not for you. I want you to know today that God is still interested in you.
What God seeks is your willingness to forgo the past and press into the future with Him by your side. God values your relationship with him first and He wants you to make it a priority.
In this blog post, you will learn how to maintain sexual purity in Christian relationships.
Here are some strategies you can follow to maintain sexual purity in Christian relationships:
- Understand that God is with you always.
- Do not be engaged until you are prepared for marriage.
- Sexual temptation is not sudden.
- Be accountable about your relationship, it enhances sexual purity.
- Avoid fast-moving relationships and instant intimacy.
- Understand that God is with you always
Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself? Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never!
1 Corinthians 6:15
God is not only in you. He is also with you. Therefore, when temptation comes, look around you and see God. That was who Joseph saw when he was sexually tempted. Joseph said, how then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God? (Genesis 39:9). Dear friend, always live with God consciously. It will save you a lot from sexual sin.
- Do not be Engaged until you are Prepared for Marriage

Prolonged engagement is not advisable. Be ready before you get engaged.
Do not be deceived; being engaged is not the same as being married. Stay away from privileges meant exclusively for husband and wife if you are yet to be married. Of course, one of those privileges for the married is physical intimacy.
Prolonged engagement could make you assume you are a couple already. Avoid such. Guide yourself till marriage. Sex is best enjoyed when it is marriage.
- Sexual Temptation is not Sudden
Do not try to reason with your feelings. Your emotions should not dictate the direction of your life. The truth is, feelings are not fixed. It changes with mood, time and activities. The desire for sex does not start on the bed. It begins some moment and days before when you allow the thoughts to settle within your mind.
Often, sexual desires arise in us as young people when we expose our minds to raunchy movies, sexual talks and sometimes hormonal changes. In all these feelings, you do not have to defile yourself.
Feelings are not wrong. However, when you go in the direction of what you feel, to carry out the act, then you have sinned. Therefore, avoid anything that would trigger sexual feelings in you.
- Be Accountable to Someone about your Relationship, it Enhances Sexual Purity
Besides being accountable to God for whatever you do, you must find someone whom you trust God’s wisdom in their life and then commit your relationship to such person.
This person would always be there for you, to pray, advise and hold you accountable to a godly standard. In this way, you will always have someone to talk to and maintain sexual purity.
- Avoid Fast-moving Relationships and instant Intimacy
A car moving too fast is likely to swerve out of control when it hits a greasy spot.
Review your relationship at intervals. Am I maintaining my sexual purity? Do not make decisions on the spur of the moment. It can be very dangerous. Do not rush or move too fast. Take little steps at a time.
Keep your foot near the brake, ready to apply the brake when you are moving too fast. Don’t allow your relationship to get out of control by the decisions you make.
In conclusion, lay a good foundation by being in a relationship with someone of the same faith as yours. Do not yoke or join yourself with an unbeliever, thinking you will change the person.
Know this assuredly that people do not truly change instantly. You cannot change anybody. It is God alone who can change a person. It takes conviction, commitment and discipline to change. More so, find strength in God’s word to keep yourself sexually pure. God counts on you to raise a godly generation. I urge you not to disappoint Him.
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