The Bible is all-encompassing. It contains the wisdom, life lessons and principles for effective living-one of which is the wealth creation principles. Biblical wealth creation principles are the wisdom needed to build personal finance and generational wealth.
You need money. I do too. It is not just enough to have the money, there are ways you can sustain it and build generational wealth. Sadly, a lot of Christians feel the quest for wealth and the desire to be wealthy is unbiblical. However, this is not true.
God wants you to be so blessed that you can afford any of the Fendi branded accessories for yourself and others. Being a Christian does not mean you should not be able to afford luxuries of your choice.

Of course, the Bible is not silent about money and wealth creation principles. Surely, it is not wrong to desire wealth. While this is true, your desire for wealth should not be idolized. I mean to say that your quest and desire for great riches should not take the place of God in your heart.
Why you need to Be Wealthy as a Believer
You will be surprised to know that wealth is an addendum for you as a believer after you make God your first. The Bible says that you should seek first the kingdom of God and ALL OTHER THINGS (including wealth), will be added to you (Matthew 6:33).
Now, you must understand that the desire to be wealthy is neither sinful nor demonic. Wealth is never of the devil. God says in His word;
“The silver is mine, and the gold is mine,’ says the LORD of hosts.
Haggai 2:8
Wealth comes from God.
Why think you cannot be wealthy as a believer? God, your father is the custodian of wealth. So, you need to eradicate the mindset that wealth is from the devil or for some selected few.

You must never be comfortable with lack and wants. Trying to live an average life is mediocrity. Dear friend, people’s life and destiny are attached to yours and if you choose to settle for mediocrity, these ones will suffer. Poverty is not God’s will for you.
Consider this; a lot of people in Africa die yearly of hunger and famine. About 160 million children in Africa are underfed and nearly 460 of them are at the risk of dying of hunger daily.
So, you see why you need to be wealthy and deliver these suffering children from the claws of death because of hunger.
People will die of starvation and oppression if wealth ambassador does not rise among Christians.
Subsequently, God’s work on earth needs your wealth to move it forward. In fact, it is God’s desire to give you the wealth for kingdom expansion. When you use your wealth for God’s work on earth, you are invariably establishing God’s will on earth as it is in heaven.
Therefore, do not just accept to be rich alone, desire to be wealthy and earnestly go for it.
What is the Difference between Wealth and Riches?
Now, I will like to use an analogy to differentiate these two seemingly identical terms-wealth and riches.
A rich man could have as much as $50 billion in his account. Yeah, that’s a lot. But most rich people spend extravagantly and live luxurious lifestyles.
Let’s say this rich person spends $5,000,000 every day. How many days does he have to spend the whole money he has? 10,000 days. This means the rich man could spend his whole billion dollars in 10,000days, which is equivalent to 27 years. And that’s all. So, the rich man was only financially independent for just 27 years.
You see, riches is equivalent to money but wealth is more than money. Wealth is measured in time, not money. Time is valuable and now that you have it a lot, do not waste it on just pursuing money.
Use it to create value. Money goes in the direction of value creation. Use your time now to build something that will last for generations. That is the mindset of the wealthy. Invariably, when you build wealth, money will surely come after you.
I would like to share with you some biblical wealth creation principles that will transcend you and generations after you. These principles have been used by great philosophers in history, well celebrated Christian billionaires like the American oil tycoon, John D. Rockefeller, Henry Heinz, Mary Kay Ash, and lots of them.
1. Build a Business
“Develop your business first before building your house.”
Proverbs 24:27 (TLB)
A business is any solution providing venture, in which people are willing to pay a fortune to you when you solve their problems. Your business could be a venture providing products or services. Whatever businesses you do, ensure it creates value.
Your business becomes valuable when you do it with excellence and keep being at your best all time. It takes time to develop a business but you must never quit. Persistence and discipline are two key factors you need to grow your business. Never give up. Your wealth is truly in your business. Therefore, commit your time, resources, and energy to develop it.
2. Investment is also a Biblical Principle for Wealth Creation
“So he gathered up all the food of the seven years which were in the land of Egypt, and laid up the food in the cities; he laid up in every city the food of the fields which surrounded them.”
Genesis 41:48
Investment requires taking a huge financial risk. It requires you to take a portion of your earnings and plow it into something that creates multiple outcomes in return. You must invest in an asset- anything that is capable of creating a stream of income for you. So, you must learn to identify assets around you. Know what an asset is for you and put your money on it.
Consequently, investment is for the future and not an emergency fund. When you invest, always have a long-term goal about your investment. Surely, investment is profitable but it takes time. Therefore, study well what you want to invest in before you commit your resources to it.
Now, the best investment you can make is to invest in yourself. Invest in knowledge by buying books that would make you a person of value everywhere you find yourself. People can take away what you have but nobody can take from you what you know. Buy books and let those books influence your choices, desires, and actions.
3.The Wealth Creation Principle of multiple Streams of Income
The morning sow your seed, And in the evening do not withhold your hand; For you do not know which will prosper, Either this or that Or whether both alike will be good.
Ecclesiastes 11:6
Wealth increases when you have multiple channels through which money flows in your direction. You can create several similar products or provide services through the interconnected skills or talent you have.
I would like to recommend to you the Hozanas Affiliate marketing. It creates an avenue for you to earn from home when you share some products with others at the Hozanas website.

While it is good to have multiple sources of income, it is also advisable you start with the one that creates more of the income for you.
You can learn this from the 80/20 rule, which says that 80% of output is as a result of the 20% effort you put into it. This also applies to you if you run multiple businesses or startups. Focus first on the 20% part of the business that generates the 80% result.
4. Giving is a Biblical Wealth Creation Principle
Unbelievable right?
I know how you could imagine how giving can cause an increase. Follow me, as I show you the amazing power of wealth creation through giving. The kind of giving that brings wealth is sacrificial giving.
The wealth creation principles were founded on God’s word and God does not ignore any act of sacrifice. When you give your tithe-the 10% of your income, God will cause you to work in abundance, according to His word in Malachi 2:8.
Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.”
Luke 6:38
So, you must not ignore the call to give to God’s work on earth, His servant, and to the needy. All these kinds of giving attract God’s blessing upon your business, career, or what you do. Always remember, God wants a cheerful give so that He can bestow upon such people cheerfully too. If you believe in God for financial prosperity, you must learn to give seed for it.
Primarily, God wants to bless you. But you must know that the blessing is not specifically for you, but for those around you and essentially for the expansion of God’s work on earth.
Therefore, I urge you to earnestly seek ways to be blessed by God as designed in the Bible. And studying your bible will open your mind to more Biblical principles of wealth creation.
If you have any more wealth creation principles you will like to share with others, kindly let us know in the comment section.
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