Christ our life?
What is this life?
Who is God?
These and many similar questions need clarification.
The question of who God is has always been a concern to many people who lack the understanding of who God is or Christ our life. So, in the quest to answer this question, humanity has defined God via different approaches and knowledge, ranging from experiences, perspectives, personalities, and so on.
In the quest to find an answer to the question about God, some people ended up believing that there is no such personality as God. They weren’t convinced enough by all they came across in defining the realities of God.
The variation in the existence of God has led to what has been categorized as theistic (the belief that there is God from different perspectives) and atheistic (there is no God). But the Bible says,
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”
Genesis 1:1
The above scriptures prove the existence of the sovereign God from the beginning of existence, as He is also responsible for creating everything ever known to exist.
“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.”
Genesis 2:7

At some point in life, all human beings desire to know where they originate from, as the biological explanations of a parental union do not have enough evidence to prove the source of human life. Science has no evidential proof of the origin of life until humanity begins to see Christ our life, through His word as the only true source and giver of life.
“In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.”
John 1:4
Truthfully, God gave us His life by His breath. Your existence on earth at this moment is by the life of Christ in you. This life of Christ in you is to reveal God to everyone that comes in contact with you. The truth of the matter is that you cannot give what you do not have. If you have life in you through the breath of God, everyone who comes around you should also contact the same life. You can only give what you have and what God has; he gave humanity- Breathe of life.
God gave His kind of life called ‘Zoe.’ Everyone born of God through Jesus Christ receives this life God has offered.
You see, it is one thing for God to give His life and another for humanity to receive it. The breath of God in the book of Genesis was a similitude of the life of Christ God gave to humanity in John 3:16. Anyone who receives this life lives forever in peace, joy and happiness. But, anyone who rejects the life of Christ is dead already (ironically), though still moving around.
“Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die.”
Genesis 3:4
The deceit of the devil against the first man and woman-Adam and Eve- was opined on the fact that they won’t die. However, they were ignorant that the kind of death God spoke about was losing ‘Zoe’ (God’s kind of life). What Adam and Eve lost that day in the Garden of Eden was the Spirit of God. There was a disconnection between humanity and divinity. It became impossible for God to relate to man.
However, the law came to restore this disconnection. Still, it could not achieve it because what initiated the connection was not a law but a Spirit-the breath of life. Therefore, God wouldn’t have thought of any other means to restore humanity to himself but by himself. Little wonder He came to earth in the likeness of man that life could be restored to humanity through Him. Jesus came to reconnect God to humanity.
“I and my Father are one.”
John 10:30
To understand God more, you need to study the life of Jesus. Jesus is an accurate representation of God. He makes the life of God accessible to all who are privileged to know and acknowledge Him. Whatever you cannot find in Jesus cannot be seen in God.
Because of God’s plan to save all and make His life available to all without hindrances, He made a salvation plan for access to His kind of life (Zoe), making Christ our life. The life that God offers is at your disposal.

Do you have this life?
Are you experiencing this life?
Have you accessed this life?
If you are yet to have this life or you once experienced it and gave up on it, you can have the life today by accepting Jesus as your Lord and personal savior. You can make the decision today.
How to Enjoy Intimacy with the Spirit of God
The life of Christ in every believer is not just a one-time experience. You have to cultivate it and make it your daily life. There are two basic ways to cultivate the life of Christ:
- Stop Feeding Your Flesh
- Daily Fellowship with God
The flesh has its food. You cannot keep the flesh dead when you still go-ahead to give it food. The flesh feeds on whatever it sees and hears. Your eyes and ears are like gateways that open the door to your soul. Whatever gets into the soul determines your life afterwards.
You cannot keep feeding your soul with raunchy movies, lustful thoughts, pornography, grief, and hatred, and still expect the flesh to be dead. Even though Christ has perfected the work of salvation on your behalf, he does not leave you without responsibility.
The grace of God does not make us irresponsible believers, but to teach us to avoid whatsoever does not glorify God. The gratification of the desires of your flesh does not glorify God, and you must be disciplined to avoid anything that gratifies the flesh. Stop feeding the flesh and start feeding your spirit. It is the part you feed that grows bigger.

Your fellowship with God is the atmosphere where you offer yourself to God in your spirit, soul and body. Fellowshipping must not be an occasional thing because that is where you draw life from. Daily, when you wake up, learn first to create an environment where the Spirit of God will come and find expression through you.
In fellowship, we place our body as the burnt offering unto God, releasing a fragrance of gratitude, love, hope, faith and having the assurance that God is for us and in us.
Your fellowship time is paramount to God as it is to you. In fellowship, God empowers you and fortifies your Spirit to walk perfectly, blameless and upright before Him. Of course, you know that God does not eat food, nor does he take water, but when you stay in his presence through fellowship, you satisfy him.
God inhabits your praise and earnestly desires to hear your voice when you pray. The truth of the matter is that if a believer sins by any happenstance or circumstance, the devil will first desire to cut out the lifeline of such a believer, which is fellowship with God. Once the devil can get a Christian away from interaction with God, he will take such a Christian into sin.
Now, allow me to tell you that God does not love you less even if you sin. He does not respond to you based on your actions or inaction. Do not let anyone lie to you. God is not emotionally controlled. He is a Spirit and cannot be controlled by His emotions. Therefore, when you mistakenly sway away, go back to God in fellowship.