The Bible verse that says, “The LORD is good to all, And His mercies are over all His works” (Psalms 145:9), is not a cliché but a reality. God is not good to some and bad to others. He is good to all because goodness is His nature.
When we grasp the magnitude of God’s goodness, we realize that a taste of God isn’t sufficient to sum Him up. But then, how can we know God is good amid an ordeal? Why do we insist that God is good despite the challenges of life?

Nothing on this earth can be compared to God’s goodness. A steak, a vacation, and a friendly person are all examples of good things. These things fill us up, make us happy for a while, and give us hope.
Even while it may feel good at the time, God’s goodness is far more than just a transient sensation or pleasant sensation you feel. God’s goodness is far beyond our expectations.
As a matter of fact, one of God’s many qualities is goodness. God is good because he is. To quote Psalm 119:68, “You are good, and do good; Teach me Your statutes.”
The fact that God is good means that He is wonderful, lovely, joyful, and generous. God is the source of all that is good. God’s goodness is ineffable and transcends our understanding.
Besides being who He is, God’s goodness includes what He does. We are the product of God’s handiwork (Jeremiah 1:5). We wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the grace of God.
God has a special place in his heart for us. As a result, we have confidence in and rely on God’s love for us despite the issues of life around us.
God is the only one who is truly good, and He is the only one who can be defined as such. I asked myself, ‘Why do you think I’m so good?’ Jesus replied, “God is the only one who is truly good.” Mark 10:18 made it clear that only God is good.
In Genesis, the benevolent God begins as Creator. God was delighted when he saw what he had created out of nothing in the universe. He achieved perfection with his work. The Garden of Eden was flawless.
There was nothing wrong with the world. The cosmos revolved with pinpoint accuracy. Isn’t that what we’re all about? As a result of His goodness, He created everything.
“Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good.”
Genesis 1:31a
Everything God created was deemed excellent, pleasant, and desirable by the creator. Since everything God made was flawless, including the human race, you must understand that God always has your best interest at heart.
Do not be quick to conclude your life based on your circumstances. The devil will always try to attack God’s goodness over your life, but he can’t prevail once you refuse to shift your ground on God’s love and goodness.

Moses wanted confirmation that God would be with him in the Bible as he led the Israelites through the wilderness. He was desperate to see God face to face. He said, “Please show me your glory” (Exodus 33:18). But God replied to Him that Moses was able to see God in all his splendor and glory after God passed by.
Even though God’s people protested and created gold idols, God continued to show His loving kindness and faithful love to them, as Moses witnessed.
When we speak about this kind of love, we use the Hebrew word “khesed.” Nothing in our language can compare to the Bible Projection of the word khesed. It is a combination of affection, generosity, and dedication that characterizes God’s devoted love. Because of God’s eternal, loving, and steadfast love, His goodness is possible. The word, “Khesed” is the Hebrew word for “love” in Psalms 136:1 and 136:2.
Goodness is an expression of God’s faithfulness to us. Moses felt God’s presence and provision throughout the years of wandering in the desert. Also, Joseph devised a strategy to protect his family, even after being sold as a slave. You see, we are saved by sacrificing His Son, Jesus, who died for us.
We must remember that God is good even when we whine and murmur as the Israelites did. Even though we reject God and go our own way, he is still kind and loving. Even amid our transgressions, God is still good.
It doesn’t matter who we are; God’s love is unconditional. It’s impossible for God to not be good because of who he is. All the time, God is good.
God’s faithfulness and goodness are also benevolent. God provides us with all we need. Consider the Israelites, they walked through the desert for years without wearing out their clothes or sandals, and each day there was a supply of food from the sky (Deuteronomy 29:5). Our benevolent and compassionate God provided for their every need.
You see, through God’s goodness, courage is given to us while we’re terrified; strength is given to us when we need it most. God forgives us even though we are depraved. Every time we have a need, he takes care of us.
All of creation belongs to God, and He gives us a slice of his treasure anytime we need it. We have all we need because God is rich and abound in all good things.
It’s very uncommon for us to feel as though God has abandoned us or withheld His blessings on a given day. But this is quite the contrary. Everywhere we look, we see evidence of God’s goodness.
It’s easy to see how good God is when you look up at the blue skies and see spring emerging from the depths of winter. Every time we hold a loved one or hear a baby laugh, we are reminded of God’s compassion and mercy.
Every verse in the Bible serves as a reminder of God’s goodness and splendor. God’s goodness is all around us, just waiting for us to see it so that we might pass it on to someone else who could use a little taste of it.
Today, make an effort to recognize God’s kindness. Recognize His goodness. It’s a good one.