Read These Books to Boost Your Intelligence- How to improve your IQ

You wonder how people have more intelligence quotients (IQ) than others. Do you want to learn what it takes to increase and improve your IQ? Is there something people who have higher intelligence do differently from others? Can IQ increase?

Does intelligence develop with time? Well, as much as we can answer yes to all these questions, it is also important for you to know that intelligence is enhanced through inquisitiveness.

Books are excellent sources of knowledge, and many strategies are embedded in some great books that can help you boost your intelligence.

Research shows that students who read regularly have many advantages over those who seldom read. People who read randomly and regularly become more intelligent as their vocabularies improve, and they get to understand emotions and build better relationships. Here are five books that can boost your intelligence.

Do you want to increase your IQ? Do you wish to be smarter? Here are 5 essential books to help you achieve what you want.

1. Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

Quick reasoning and efficient decision making is an attribute of an excellent IQ. This book helps your IQ to develop in decision making and how to make the right choices amidst conflicting options.

Decision-making helps you make better choices in business, life, or your studies. So, to know what to do and do it rightly, I recommend the book Think fast and slow to sharpen your decision-making IQ.

2.         A Short History of Everything by Bill Bryson

The author reveals how we transcended from primitiveness to this present era of technology.

Bills Bryson in this book, explains the science of existence. He spoke about the reason we are here at this time and how our purpose can inspire others to do better in life. The art of reasoning Bill Bryson brings to this book can help boost your IQ.

3.         Harnessing The Power of Your Subconscious Mind (Flipbook + Downloadable E-Book)

In today’s modern age, it seems that everyone is focused on their successes and consumed by their failures. A lot of people have a hard time finding balance and need a little extra help to get out of their negative thoughts and build emotional intelligence. Visualization techniques are an incredible tool that allows us to harness the power of our subconscious minds and enhance intelligence.

4.         The Courage to Write by Ralph Keyes

Many students have lots of beautiful strategies in their heads, but they don’t know how to express them through writing. This book can help you boost your intelligence and confidence, and not only that, it will help you to improve your vocabulary and structure of writing. This book can serve as a guide to achieving this purpose.

5.         You Are Not Your Brain by Jeffrey Schwarz

Interestingly, the author of this book brought into the limelight the concept of discipline and productivity. He explains how it is important for you to be disciplined in your thoughts and your actions. Discipline in your thinking takes you places where your foot has not gotten you. Hence, a disciplined thinker takes definite actions.

6.         Social Emotional Learning Activities Bundle

Social-emotional learning (SEL) is developing the self-awareness, self-control, and interpersonal skills vital for school, work, and life success. These SEL printable worksheets in 8.5 by 11 inches letter pdf format are useful in teaching kids how to identify their feelings, set goals, and get along with others.? It includes the following:? – Affirmative coloring pages,? – Emotions chart and worksheets? – All About Me writing activity? – Writing prompts? – Graphic Organizers

7. Jumpstart Your Business Brain by Doug Hills

Care to learn how business jumpstart? This book reveals the secrets of how to design and launch any product. There is an emotional aspect of marketing in which you wist appeal to the potential customers’ needs and emotions, and it takes someone with a high IQ to understand human emotions.

As someone who desires to read these books but has time constraints, I humbly recommend audiobooks and flipbooks from Hozanas bookstore. With the Hozanas flipbook, you can read on the go with your PC, phone, or any device and enjoy what you read as though it is a hard-cover book.

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